[Sách] Deep Learning – Terrence J. Seijowski

2020 - 04,deep learning; gioi thieu sach,giới thiệu sách,2020, chien phan,blog chien phan,nxb cong thuong, xnb công thương, Terrence J. Seijowski

[Sách] Deep Learning – Terrence J. Seijowski

“Deep learning serves as a bridge between humans and computers, opening the door to a future we have never seen before.”

“Deep Learning” by Terrence J. Seijowski is an outstanding work that you cannot overlook if you are interested in the field of artificial intelligence and deep learning.

A journey from the 1950s to the present, that timeline bears witness to the author’s experiences with the departures of friends following the natural cycles of life, followed by subsequent generations continuing the research to provide humanity with achievements such as deep learning for autonomous driving (Google X), translation (Google Translate), speech recognition (Alexa, Siri, Cortana), etc., through the study of the human brain.

The combination of biological and technological advancements is remarkable. “What’s surprising is that your brain can solve a problem even when you’re asleep and when you’re not deeply aware of anything.”

The book provides a comprehensive insight into how deep learning works, from basic principles to complex applications.

“The culture of an organization often reflects the culture of its founders.”

With compelling and understandable writing, Terrence J. Seijowski has turned “Deep Learning” into a useful learning resource for both beginners and experts in the field.

If you want to explore the world of deep learning in detail and comprehensively, this book is the best choice for you.

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